
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Episode 6: In the middle of...learning how to drive
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
In today's episode we talk about learning how to drive, before you even needed an N! We hear stories about driving in grade 5, why you shouldn't learn to drive with a date, and that the emergency brake can cause all sorts of problems.

Friday Mar 27, 2020
Episode 5: In the middle of...your first job
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
In today's episode we talk about what you would do in the middle of your first job. Mrs. Gillepie describes a double prune and prune juice, and what she did with her pay cheques, while Mr. Hossini still isn't sure if he quit or got fired. Enjoy!

Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Episode 4: In the middle of...your first date
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
In this episode we travel back in time to hear about Mr. Hossini's teen dating experience. We learn the things you should never do on a first date, and how they didn't stop his wife from agreeing to marry him!

Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Episode 3: In the middle of...an embarrasing situation
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
In today's podcast we have our very first guest! Today we talk about how you react to embarrassing situations. Our guest describes using the very wrong words while leading worship, Mr. Hossini talks about the problem with pews in church, and Mrs. Gillespie describes the hazards of chairs. Enjoy!

Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Episode 2: In the middle of...dinner
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
Tuesday Mar 24, 2020
On today's episode we talk about what you would do if you found a hair in your meal if you were eating in a restaurant. Mrs. Gillespie talks about what she found in an ice cream cake, middle school preparing her for being a parent, and Mr. Hossini introduces her to the mouth sweats.

Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Episode 1: In the middle of...the night
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Our first episode! What would you do if you heard a strange sound in the middle of the night? Mr. Hossini talks about his baby falling out of his crib, drifters crashing, and being a tough guy. Enjoy :)